School's Aim

The school provides a congenial environment for all round development of the whole personality in reference to the Indian Context. Positive ideas are inculcated in students regarding personal hygiene, neatness of uniform, cleanliness and discipline. To achieve high academic standard, personal attention is given to each individual child. Highly motivated and dedicated team of teachers play the role of a model for the children. Individual care and personalised coaching and regular efforts have woven a very vibrant and inspiring environment. Learning is a joy here, as teachers make their lesson very interesting viz. Demonstration, Experimentation, Project work, Home Assignments, Play-way Method, Micro-teaching, Structure method etc. Education is child centred here, and singing, mimicry, playing, dramatization etc. echoe in the campus.


To inculcate moral values in the students, the school starts each working day with the morning assembly, that includes devotional prayers, patriotic songs and thought for the day. Stress is laid on the universal aspects and eternal values of Indian culture. Short Messages are given by the students and the teachers on a variety of subjects and important current events. The news by the students are read out daily. Every morning, the assembly disperses with the singing of the National Anthem.